VAT number: 165053413
PLACE: Ermou 2, 54625, 4th floor, Thessaloniki

Please, before each use of the website , consult the present terms and conditions of use and make sure that you have understood them and that you fully agree with them without reservation.

Make absolutely sure that you agree with the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of our above website implies your express and unconditional consent and agreement with them with your free will free from any defects that will invalidate any sales contract between us. is the online store for exhibition, advertising and distance sales of its products via the internet, based in the city of Thessaloniki, at Ermou Street 2, 54625, 4th floor, Thessaloniki, with contact phone number 2310500580 .

The users of the website expressly and unconditionally accept that they will not use it and our online store to send, publish, send by email or transmit in other ways any content that is illegal, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, abusive, blackmailing, obscene, libelous, which is a violation of another’s personal data, which is not entitled to be transmitted according to the law or management relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and commercial confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of the working relationship) that infringes any copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties, that contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs, designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or prevent the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally, temporarily or permanently, partially or totally, which violates Greek and Community legislation, which may harass and damage either our online store or third parties in any way and any content is used to collect or store personal data of users. The consumer-customer is solely responsible for the selection of the product he wishes to buy, for his telephone and transport costs for the delivery of the goods to him or to a third party authorized by him, for his communication with the seller in general BURGA company.

All the contents of the website , including texts, graphics, images, photos and software, are the intellectual property of the operator of our online store and are protected civilly and criminally by the Greek and international legal order. Any copying, reproduction and retransmission of the constantly updated material of our website in whole or in part, without our written consent, is expressly prohibited.

a. The use of this website by you and any transaction you make in our online store is at your sole responsibility. It is expressly agreed that the  Company  is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by it, the User or any third party due to improper observance of the terms of use of the website by the User or for a reason related to the operation, use of the website or due to inability provision of services or products or information available from it or from any unauthorized interference by third parties with products, services or information available through it.
b. The  Company  is not responsible and has no obligation to compensate for any possible damage or loss arising from the cancellation of orders, from the non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason not due to its own fault. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the online store, but informs the interested customer based on the data kept about the availability or non-availability and undertakes, in the event of a change in these data, to promptly inform the customers of the non-availability in such a case bears no further responsibility.
c. The  Company  makes reasonable efforts to maintain and make its content available. Despite this, the Company points out that the website may display technical errors with a direct effect on the presentation of its content (indicative of photos, prices, texts, etc.) for reasons for which it is not responsible and promises to make an effort for their faster recovery.
It is expressly agreed that the Company is not responsible towards the user if for any reason the website is not available at a given time or for any period of time.
d. Hyperlinks.  The Website may include hyperlinks and links (Links) to other websites. The  Company  expressly states that it bears no responsibility for the content of the above websites, which are governed by their own terms of use which the User must read carefully before browsing any of them.

  • Any dispute between us arising from the purchase and sale may first be resolved by the Special Committee of article 11 of Law 2251/1994 “on consumer protection”.

ADDITION OF LOCAL JURISDICTION: For any dispute that may arise from the distance sales contract between us, all of us, the contracting parties, hereby expressly agree and accept, in accordance with articles 42 and 43 KPLDA, that the courts of the city ​​of Thessaloniki.

1. By Credit/Debit Card:

Every purchase from the website is carried out at the buyer’s option with the possibility of payment with VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards. Transactions are carried out securely electronically, in real time, between the buyer and the owner of the card with Eurobank, which processes the transaction on behalf of . In this process, has no participation and the sensitive information of your credit/debit card is not stored in its system. In case the buyer carrying out the transaction is not the same person as the owner of the Credit Card,  bears no responsibility and has no obligation to refund money.

2. By depositing into a Bank account:

Deposit/transfer to our bank account. Prepay your order to the following bank account and send us the copy of the bank deposit by email to [email protected] . Upon receiving your copy, we send your order.

EUROBANK AE              GR


Account Number: GR2202601910000080200745638

According to the applicable tax provisions, documents worth more than €500 to individuals (Retail Sales Receipt) must be paid only by deposit/transfer to a bank account or by credit/debit card.

For shipping to land destinations, with delivery within 1-3 business days the charge is  €3.80 

For shipping to island destinations, with delivery within 1-5 business days the charge is  €3.80

For areas outside the city limits (inaccessible areas) with delivery within 1-3 business days the charge is  €8.50
You can check all the inaccesible areas HERE
We kindly recommend for inaccesible areas to choose the nearest Service Point of  ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΙΚΗ

FREE Shipping for orders above €85

Door to Service Point
For next business day delivery to ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΙΚΗ store, the charge is  €2.50 

In case of a change of service where the delivery is finally made at the recipient’s place, the surcharge on the basic charge is + €1.60

Foreign Services
For shipping with delivery within 1-3 business days, the charge is  €16.00

FREE Shipping for orders above €100

For certain combinations of dispatch city – delivery city, the time can be extended to 2 business days

Order cancellation

If you wish to cancel the order during the online order process, you can press “cancel” and the order process is automatically stopped.

Returns Policy

It is clarified that , returned products must not be used, worn, washed, altered or damaged and the tags accompanying the product must be present exactly as it was when you received it together with the retail receipt or invoice. You should still be contacted by phone or e-mail info  to be given instructions and a return code.

If the corresponding product you want is not available (e.g. a larger size), you can get any other product you want. 

In all the above cases, the return costs are charged to the customer or you can charge them to us and we will charge you again with the amount of €5
From CYPRUS the return costs are charged to the customer or you can charge them to us and we will charge you again with the amount of €20


In the unlikely event that you receive a defective or damaged product,  will make every effort to replace it with an identical or similar product at no additional cost to you. However, you should inform us by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 2310500580 (telephone service hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-14:00) so that we can send you instructions for returning the product as and return code. If the product ceases to be available, a replacement with an equivalent product can be made by agreement. does not have a warranty policy. We are not responsible for any damage that may occur from normal wear and tear, misuse and destruction when removing the tags.

Limitations of liability For all products contained in the catalogs of there are clear indications of the availability of our warehouse. The transaction will be considered completed only after a written electronic confirmation has been sent. In the event that it is impossible to execute an order, has the right to withdraw and not fulfill it, and in case the price has already been collected, it is returned by deposit to your Bank account.