Order cancellation
If you wish to cancel the order during the online order process, you can press “cancel” and the order process is automatically stopped.
Returns Policy
It is clarified that , returned products must not be used, worn, washed, altered or damaged and the tags accompanying the product must be present exactly as it was when you received it together with the retail receipt or invoice. You should still be contacted by phone or e-mail info @burga.com.gr to be given instructions and a return code.
If the corresponding product you want is not available (e.g. a larger size), you can get any other product you want.
In all the above cases, the return costs are charged to the customer or you can charge them to us and we will charge you again with the amount of €5
From CYPRUS the return costs are charged to the customer or you can charge them to us and we will charge you again with the amount of €20
In the unlikely event that you receive a defective or damaged product, www.burga.com.gr will make every effort to replace it with an identical or similar product at no additional cost to you. However, you should inform us by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 2310500580 (telephone service hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-14:00) so that we can send you instructions for returning the product as and return code. If the product ceases to be available, a replacement with an equivalent product can be made by agreement.
www.burga.com.gr does not have a warranty policy. We are not responsible for any damage that may occur from normal wear and tear, misuse and destruction when removing the tags.
Limitations of liability For all products contained in the catalogs of www.burga.com.gr there are clear indications of the availability of our warehouse. The transaction will be considered completed only after a written electronic confirmation has been sent. In the event that it is impossible to execute an order, www.burga.com.gr has the right to withdraw and not fulfill it, and in case the price has already been collected, it is returned by deposit to your Bank account.